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Title: Pictures of southern life, social, political, & military...for the London Times

Year: 1861

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Author: Sacks, David Harris

Title: The Widening Gate: Bristol & the Atlantic Economy, 1450-1700

Year: 1991

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Author: Saint German, Christopher, 1460?-1540

Title: The doctor & student: Dialogues between a D.D. & a student in the laws of England

Year: 1874

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Author: Saintsbury, George, 1845-1933

Title: Marlborough [Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of, 1650-1722; leader of victories against the French, Aug 13

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Title: English Life in the Middle Ages

Year: 1926 Lond

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Author: Savage, Ernest Albert, 1877-1966

Title: Old English Libraries: The making, collection & use of books during the middle ages

Year: 1912 Lond

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Author: Savage, Gail, 1947-

Title: The Social Construction of Expertise: The English Civil Service & its influence, 1919-1939

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Author: Schmitt, Bernadotte E.

Title: England & Germany, 1740-1914

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Author: Schumpeter, Elizabeth Boody

Title: English Overseas Trade Statistics, 1697-1808

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Author: Selden, John

Title: A Brief Discourse Concerning the Powers of the Peeres & Comons of Parliament, in point of Judicature

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Author: Semple, Janet

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Year: 1993 Oxford

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Author: Sewell, William Grant, 1829-62

Title: The ordeal of free labor in the British West Indies

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Title: Some forerunners of the newspaper in England, 1476-1622

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Author: Shillingford, John

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Author: Smiles, Samuel, 1812-1904

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