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Author: Tooke, Thomas, 1774-1858

Title: On the Bank Charter Act of 1844, its principles & operation; with suggestions for an improved administration o

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Title: The gilds & companies of London,

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Title: The Land Hunger: Life Under Monopoly. Descriptive letters & other testimonies from those who have suffered [G

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Author: Wade, John, 1788-1875

Title: The extraordinary Black Book: ... United Church of Eng. & Ireland; civil list & crown revenues; incomes, privi


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Author: Wallace, Alfred Russel

Title: Free-Trade Principles & the Coal Question (Daily News)

Year: 1873

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Publisher: UCalifornia

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Title: The story of the Bank of England, (History of English banking, & sketch of the money market) [period of monopo

Year: 1903 Lond.

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Author: Waters, M.

Title: A School Economic History Of England: From the Conquest to the Middle of the 18th c.

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Author: Whipple, John, 1784-1866

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Year: 1855 Bost.

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Author: Wilson, James, 1805-1860

Title: Capital, Currency & Banking, ... articles in the Economist... principles of the Bank Act of 1844 & 1847 ... re

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Title: Staffordshire Historical Collections v10, p 1 [Coram Rege Rolls; pleas of the crown, 1307-27; Subsidy

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Author: Young, Edward, 1814-1909

Title: Labor in Europe & Amer.; Wages, cost of subsistence, & cond. of the working classes in G.B., Germany, France,

Year: 1875

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Author: Young, Frederick 1817-1913

Title: Emigration & Colonisation: ... articles on transplantation (the true system of emigration) & emigration to the

Year: 1906 Lond.

Format: Graphic PDF

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Publisher: Harvard

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