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Author: Fuller, Harvey Austin, 1834-

Title: Trimsharp's account of himself: a sketch of his life, together w/a history of the education of the blind...& p

Year: 1873

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: HTI-UMich

Author: Fuller, Margaret

Title: Life without & life within; or, Reviews, narratives, essays, & poems

Year: 1869 c1859

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Fulton, Sadie E

Title: Poems

Year: 1890

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910

Title: Adam Davy's 5 dreams about Edward II [1284-1327]. The life of St. Alexius. Solomon's Book of Wisdom. St. Jerem

Year: 1879 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Furphy, Joseph 1843-1912

Title: The Poems of Joseph Furphy

Year: 1916 Sydney

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: USydney(Aus)

Author: Fyge, Sarah

Title: Selected Poetry of SARAH FYGE (1670-1723)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Gabirol, Solomon Ibn

Title: Selected Religious Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol


Format: PDF

Price: 10.95

Publisher: Varda Books

Author: Gadamer, Hans Georg, 1900-

Title: Hans-Georg Gadamer On Education, Poetry, And History

Year: 1992

Price: 19.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Gamer, Michael, ed

Title: Poems

Year: 1998 compl

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UPa

Author: Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940

Title: Prairie Songs, being chants rhymed & unrhymed of the level lands of the great West (poetry; illus. H T Carpenter)

Year: 1893 Cambg.

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Garland, Hamlin, 1860-1940

Title: The trail of the goldseekers; a record of travel in prose & verse [Klondike; gold mines]

Year: 1899 NY

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: Keep Cool

Year: 1927

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Boomshaka

Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: Poetry from the Black Man magazine (1933-1939)

Year: 1933-39

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Boomshaka

Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: Poetry from The Negro World (The Black Mother; The Battle Hymn of Africa; The Dividing Line)

Year: 1927

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Boomshaka

Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: Poetry from the Universal Negro Improvement Assn. Convention Hymns

Year: 1934

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Boomshaka

Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: Selections from the Poetic Meditations of Marcus Garvey

Year: 1927

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Boomshaka

Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: The Tradedy of White Injustice (1927), & Other Poems, Essays, Articles, Hymns

Year: 1927-39

Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Garvey, Marcus, 1887-1940

Title: The Tragedy Of White Injustice (incl. Hail! The United States of Africa! & Africa for the Africans

Year: 1927

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Boomshaka

Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: Flowers

Year: 15??

Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: Hearbes

Year: 15??

Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: Selected Poetry of GEORGE GASCOIGNE (c. 1534-1577)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: The Complaynte of Philomene

Year: 1576/1997

Format: PDF Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UOregon

Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: The Posies

Year: 15??

Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: The Steele Glas & The Complaynte of Philomene

Year: 1576

Format: PDF Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UOregon

Author: Gascoigne, George

Title: Weedes

Year: 15??

Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Gay, Florence

Title: In Praise of Australia: An anthology in prose & verse

Year: 1912 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Gay, John

Title: Selected Poetry of JOHN GAY (1685-1732)

Year: 1994-98

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Gay, John

Title: The poetical works of John Gay. With a life of the author, by Dr. Johnson v1

Year: 1854 Bost

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Gay, John

Title: The poetical works of John Gay. With a life of the author, by Dr. Johnson v2

Year: 1854 Bost

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Gay, Mary Ann Harris, (b. 1827)

Title: The Pastor's Story and Other Pieces, or, Prose & Poetry

Year: 1874

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: WrightAmFict

Author: Gay, Mary Ann Harris, (b. 1827)

Title: The Pastor's Story and Other Pieces, or, Prose & Poetry

Year: 1871

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: WrightAmFict

Author: Gay, William (1865-1897)

Title: Two Sonnets (To M.; Vestigia Nulla Retrorsum)

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: SonnetCentral

Author: Gay, William 1865-1897

Title: Complete Poetical Works

Year: 1911 Melb.

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: USydney(Aus)

Author: Genin, Sylvester, 1822-50

Title: Selections from the works of Sylvester Genin, in poetry & prose.


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Gerrard, George

Title: The Consolation: a poem

Year: 1881Toronto

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

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