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Author: Schiraldi, Glenn R.

Title: The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 3.95

Publisher: McGrawHill

Author: Schlick, Moritz

Title: Epistemology & Modern Physics [founder of (Vienna Circle) Logical Positivism]

Year: 1925

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: MarxistIntAchv

Author: Schmucker, Samuel Simon, 1799-1873

Title: Psychology, Elements...of mental philosophy,...consciousness & common sense. For colleges

Year: 1855 2edNY

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Schwarz, Norbert, Dr. phil

Title: Cognition, Aging, And Self-reports

Year: 1999

Price: 59.95

Publisher: PsychologyPr

Author: Scott, Walter Dill

Title: The Psychology of Advertising

Year: 1904

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Scull, Andrew

Title: Social Order/Mental Disorder: Anglo-American Psychiatry in Historical Perspective

Year: 1989

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Sexton, virginia Staudt

Title: International Psychology

Year: 1992

Price: 85.00

Publisher: UNebraskaPr

Author: Sharp, Daryl, 1936-

Title: Jung Lexicon

Year: 1991

Price: 20.00

Publisher: InnerCityBks

Author: Sheffield, Anne

Title: Sorrow's Web - Overcoming the Legacy of Maternal Depression

Year: 2001

Format: Adobe eBook

Price: 18.40

Publisher: Simon&Schuster

Author: Shelburne, Walter A., 1946-

Title: Mythos And Logos In The Thought Of Carl Jung

Year: 1988

Price: 64.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Sherif, Muzafer, et. al

Title: Intergroup conflict & cooperation: The Robbers Cave experiment. [Social Psychology/Developmental Thy]

Year: 1954/61

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Price: Free

Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Shorter, Edward

Title: A History Of Psychiatry

Year: 1997

Price: 22.95

Publisher: JWiley&Sons

Author: Shuker

Title: Grendon and the Emergence of Forensic Therapeutic Communities - D

Year: 2010

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Shuttleworth, George Edward

Title: Mentally Deficient Children: Their Treatment & Training

Year: 1910 Lond.

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Shuttleworth, George Edward

Title: Mentally Deficient Children: Their Treatment & Training

Year: 1916 Phila.

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Shuttleworth, George Edward

Title: Mentally Deficient Children: Their Treatment & Training

Year: 1922 Phila.

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Siegel

Title: Understanding Organ Donation

Year: 2009

Format: PDF

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Silke

Title: Terrorists, Victims and Society - Psychological Perspectives on T

Year: 2003

Format: PDF

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Simon

Title: Identity in Modern Society

Year: 2003

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Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Sinha, Judunath

Title: Indian Psychology Perception ["best book in English on Indian philosopies"]

Year: 1934 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: StLibHyderbad

Author: Skinner, B. F

Title: 'Superstition' in the pigeon. [Behaviorism] Jrnl of Experimental Psych

Year: 1948

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Price: Free

Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Skinner, B. F

Title: Are Theories of Learning Necessary? [Behaviorism] Psych. Rev.

Year: 1950

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Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Skinner, B. F

Title: The Origins of Cognitive Thought [radical behaviorist's crtitique of cognitivism]

Year: 1989

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Publisher: MarxistIntAchv

Author: Skinner, B. F

Title: Two types of conditioned reflex & a pseudo type. [Behaviorism] Jrnl of Gen. Psychology

Year: 1935

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Skinner, B. F

Title: Two types of conditioned reflex: A reply to Konorski & Miller. [Behaviorism] Jrnl of Gen. Psychology

Year: 1937

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Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Sleep Research Society

Title: Basics of Sleep Behavior


Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Slipp, Samuel

Title: The Freudian Mystique

Year: 1993

Price: 45.00

Publisher: NYU Press

Author: Smelser, Neil J

Title: The Social Edges Of Psychoanalysis

Year: 1998

Price: 35.00

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Smith

Title: Children and Play

Year: 2009

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Smith

Title: Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal - A Crit

Year: 2009

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Smith, Adam

Title: An Inquiry into the Nature & Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Year: 1776

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UAdelaide

Author: Smith, Adam

Title: The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Year: 1759

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Smith, Curtis D., 1951-

Title: Jung's Quest For Wholeness

Year: 1990

Price: 64.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Snoek

Title: Psychology in Diabetes Care

Year: 2000

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

Author: Snowling

Title: The Science of Reading - A Handbook

Year: 2005

Format: PDF

Price: subs/$

Publisher: WileyIntersci

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