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Author: Lister, Martin, 1638?-1712

Title: Martini Lister e Societate Regia Londoni Historiae Animalium Angliae Tres Tractatus.: Unus de Araneis. Alter d

Year: 1678 Lond.

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Oxford Univ

Author: Lithgow, William

Title: The...Rare Aduentures...of 19 Yeares Trauayles, from Scotland, to the Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, & Africa

Year: 1632 Lond

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Lithgow, William

Title: The...Rare Aduentures...of 19 Yeares Trauayles, from Scotland, to the Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, & Africa

Year: 1632 Lond

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Locke, John

Title: A Letter Concerning Toleration [First Letter]

Year: 1689

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Locke, John

Title: A Letter Concerning Toleration (tr. William Popple)

Year: 1689

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: AlexCatalog

Author: Locke, John

Title: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Year: 1690

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Locke, John

Title: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding [a founding document of British empiricism.]

Year: 1689

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Columbia

Author: Locke, John

Title: Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money

Year: 169?

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Locke, John

Title: Of the Conduct of the Understanding

Year: 169?

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Columbia

Author: Locke, John

Title: Second Treatise on Government

Year: 1690

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: LibertyOnLine

Author: Locke, John

Title: Short Observations on a Printed Paper, Entitled 'For Encouraging the Coining Silver Money in England, & After

Year: 169?

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Locke, John

Title: Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising the Value of Money

Year: 1691

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Locke, John

Title: Two Treatises of Government [argues against the devine right of Kings]

Year: 1690/1823

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Lopez y Martinez, Juan Louis (marques del Risco) (

Title: Decission de la Real Audiencia de los Reyes. Enfavor de la regalia, i real jurisdicion ... [Carlos Enrique Clerque (d. 1682)

Year: 1682 Lima

Price: Free

Publisher: BrownUniv

Author: Lotti, Lotto, fl. 1690 & Giuseppi Felic

Title: L'eta dell'oro: introduzione al Balletto della Serenissima Signora Principessa Margherita, e delle

Year: 1690Piacenz

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK

Author: Lovelace, Richard

Title: Lucasta Peoms (1649) & Lucasta: Posthume Poems (1659)

Year: 1649-59

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Luminarium

Author: Lovelace, Richard

Title: The Lucasta Poems

Year: 1649

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: WWSchool

Author: Loyer, Pierre le, 1550-1634

Title: A Treatise of Specters or Straunge Sights, Visions & Apparitions appearing sensibly vnto men...the Nature of S

Year: 1605 Lond.

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Luyken, Jan

Title: Duytse lier

Year: 1671

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UUtrecht

Author: Luyken, Jan

Title: Jesus en de ziel

Year: 1685

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UUtrecht

Author: Lyly, John (1554?-1606)

Title: Eurymine's Song (frm: The Maydes Metamorphosis)

Year: 1600

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Luminarium

Author: Lyly, John (1554?-1606)

Title: Excerpt (frm: Love's Metamorphosis)

Year: 1601

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Luminarium

Author: M. R.

Title: The meanes of preventing, and preserving from, and curing of that most contagious disease called the plague, w

Year: 1665 Lond.

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Maccio, Paolo (ca.1570-ca.1640)

Title: Pauli Maccii Emblemata

Year: 1628Bononia

Price: Free

Publisher: UIll-Urbana

Author: Macigni, Manfredi

Title: Eseqvie del serenissimo Ferdinando II: gran dvca di Toscana celebrate in Firenze dal serenissimo gr

Year: 1671Flornce

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK

Author: Maier, Michael

Title: Atalanta fugiens [alchemical emblem book; "a most amazing book as it incorporated 50 emblems w/epigrams & a d

Year: 1617/

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlchemyWeb

Author: Maier, Michael

Title: Rosicrucian texts] Themis Aurea. The Laws of the Fraternity of the Rosie Crosse ...

Year: 1656 Lond.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlchemyWeb

Author: Malpighii, Marcelli

Title: Marcelli Malpighii ... Opera omnia, seu, Thesaurus locupletissimus botanico-medico-anatomicus ...

Year: 1687 Leiden

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: MoBotanicalGdn

Author: Malynes, Gerard de

Title: A Treatise of the Canker of Englands Common Wealth

Year: 1601

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Malynes, Gerard de

Title: The Maintenance of Free Trade

Year: 1622

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Manley, Mary de la Riviere

Title: The Lost Lover, or, The Jealous Husband: A Comedy

Year: 1696

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: EmoryUniv

Author: Marcello, Iseppo

Title: Il theatro maraviglioso delle magnificenze grandissime trionfi, e feste celebrate nella gran citta di Parigi,

Year: 1612 Venice

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK

Author: Marciano, Marcello

Title: Pompe fvnebri dell'vniverso : nella morte di Filippo qvarto il grande re delle Spagne, monarca cattolico, cele

Year: 1666 Naples

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK

Author: Marciano, Marcello

Title: Pompe fvnebri dell'vniverso: nella morte di Filippo qvarto il grande re delle Spagne, monarca catto

Year: 1666 Naples

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: WarburgInstUK

Author: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

Title: Meditations

Year: 167 AD

Format: Txt-G

Price: Free

Publisher: GutenbergUS

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